Wednesday, June 20, 2012

about Victoria

Hopefully I could think of something a little more original than Victoria for the title of this blog. Oh well. It'll come to me. I was really just excited to get a couple posts up, see how the page looks, and customize the layout a little bit.

But, allow me to introduce myself...

I'm Victoria. I'm 20 years old, entering my junior of college at Wentworth Institute of Technology. I'm studying management and will have a concentration in either project leadership or entrepreneurship. I was born and raised in northern New Jersey but moved to Boston to go to WIT. I lived on campus for two years and just recently moved in with my boyfriend, Benjamin, and our friend Jack to a four bedroom apartment near campus. Right now I'm working full time on Co-Op at my school as a Research Analyst for the Office of Institutional Research.

I have a mother, Bernadette, and sister, Samantha whom I am very close with. Sam is actually flying out to Hawaii today (lucky, lucky girl!) to spend the better part of her summer with her boyfriend Dan. It's actually her second time flying out to Hawaii THIS YEAR so I'm a bit jealous. But, I have school and work, as does Ben. We'll make it out there one day. But otherwise, it's just my mom, my sister, and I. My father passed away almost 9 years ago. It was a horrible time in my life but I am thankful for the relationship and bond that I have with my mom and Sam. They're my best friends.

As for Ben, he's my other half. We've been together for almost 10 months and are very sure of our relationship. I'm lucky to be in love with my best friend.

That's me in a nutshell. My life is work/school, boyfriend, family... and I'm okay with that. I'm very happy in my life right now.

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